Resources For Minority-Owned & Women-Owned Businesses | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件
Resources For Minority-Owned Businesses

Resources For Minority-Owned & Women-Owned Businesses

Resources For Minority-Owned Businesses | Rea & Associates | Ohio CPA FirmThe 2019 State of Women-Owned Business Report 发现女性拥有的企业数量攀升至近1300万家, representing 42 percent of all businesses in the United States. Women-owned businesses employ 9.4 million workers and generate $1.9 trillion in annual revenue. As of September 10, 2019 少数族裔拥有近30%的美国企业,这些企业雇佣了7名员工.200万美国人,每年创造超过1万亿美元的收入.


By Travis Strong, CISA (Wooster, OH)

Business Resources

Support For Women Business Owners

Resources For Women-Owned Businesses | Rea & Associates | Ohio CPA Firm

以下资源重点介绍了主要在俄亥俄州发现的组织和资源. 你也可以从国家和国际层面获得丰富的其他资源. 不要犹豫,向你的Rea顾问寻求帮助,为你的特定需求找到最好的资源.

  • The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) – Founded in 1975, NAWBO代表了经济中增长最快的部分——女性拥有的企业. 在俄亥俄州有两个章节,一个在克利夫兰,另一个在哥伦布. Click here to learn more.
  • Business Enterprise Certifications -哥伦布市通过多元化和包容性供应商多元化提供少数族裔, Women, and Veteran Business Enterprise Certifications. 这些认证可以更容易地确定那些准备好并能够履行城市合同的人. Click here to learn more.
  • Office of Women’s Business Ownership, part of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), 通过各种资源和支持,帮助女性企业主获得能力和权力. Click here to learn more.
  • The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) -提供女性拥有的企业认证,是女性企业的主要倡导者. Click here to learn more.
  • International Association of Women -为商界女性建立一个全球网络,通过研究提高她们的业务, career, and personal goals. Click here to learn more.
  • Women Business Leaders' Resource Center through SCORE offers women a resource center with tips, guides, and success stories to help address their needs and challenges. Click here to learn more.
  • Ladies Who Launch 是否有一个平台可以帮助女性通过与女性企业家建立联系来创办和发展成功的公司. Click here to learn more.
  • she owns it empowers women to share their success stories by writing them down. Click here to learn more.
  • Female Entrepreneur Associate 是否有一种在线资源可以将女性联系起来,激励并赋予她们建立成功企业的能力. Click here to learn more.
  • [PODCAST] Women Who Startup is a podcast that celebrates, connects, 赋予那些自己创业的女性更多的权利. Click here to learn more.
  • Women for Economic and Leadership Development (WELD) 帮助和发展妇女的领导能力,以加强她们所服务社区的经济. There is a chapter in Columbus and one in Cleveland. Click here to learn more.
  • Women’s Business Centers of Ohio are located in Cleveland, Columbus, 他们在商业流程的任何阶段指导女性. Click here to learn more.
  • The Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) 提供各种方案和服务,帮助妇女创业. Click here to learn more.

Support For Minority Business Owners

Resources For Minority-Owned Businesses | Rea & Associates | Ohio CPA Firm

以下资源重点介绍了主要在俄亥俄州发现的组织和资源. 你也可以从国家和国际层面获得丰富的其他资源. 不要犹豫,向你的Rea顾问寻求帮助,为你的特定需求找到最好的资源.

  • 运输部的弱势企业(DBE)计划 – Through the DBE program, 在社会和经济上处于不利地位的小企业主有公平的机会竞争联邦资助的运输合同. Click here to learn more.
  • Small Business Administration 是为了为小企业主提供研究,为少数族裔和女性拥有的企业提供各种研究. Click here to learn more.
  • Minority Business Development Agency 是唯一一个专门致力于少数族裔企业发展和全球竞争力的联邦机构吗. Click here to learn more.
  • GrantWatch 让企业主了解目前可用的政府和基金会资助, this includes grants for women-owned and minority-owned businesses. Click here to learn more.
  • SBDCNet is the official National Information Clearinghouse of the U.S. Small Business Administration. 它们为小企业提供商业研究和信息,并为妇女和少数民族拥有的企业提供资源. Click here to learn more.
  • 俄亥俄州行政服务部(DAS)平等机会司 是为了支持和确保俄亥俄州人在政府合同和州就业方面的平等机会和公平待遇而设立的吗. Click here to learn more.

Thoughts About DEI From The Rea Team

Desiree Lyon | Podcast Guest | Ohio Business Podcast

The team at Rea & Associates is committed to helping all business owners, regardless of race, gender, age, 或性取向找到商业成功和财务稳定. 下面的列表包含了对与多样性相关的各种问题的一些想法, equity, and inclusion. 如果您对这些资源有任何疑问,请今天联系Rea团队的成员.

Blog Posts

It's Time For Pay Equality ——全国各地的工作场所仍然存在性别工资差距. Find out how you can help end wage discrimination. Click here to read more.

人工智能简化了多元化招聘策略 -人力资源专业人士开始重视多元化招聘. Read on to find out how AI is making this objective possible. 

Making A Great Catch – Got a job opening? Being down even one person can hurt your productivity. 但不要让你的紧迫感导致你草率地做出令人遗憾的雇佣决定. Click here to read more.

Are Job Descriptions Becoming Obsolete? – The written statements outlining the qualifications, duties, 一个空缺职位的责任也不再像以前那样重要了. Keep reading to find out why.

Financial Well-Being: We All Want It. How Do We Get It? -雇主能做些什么来让大多数美国人(而不是少数人)的财务健康成为现实? Read on to find out.

Supreme Court Issues Ruling On LGBT Rights – The U.S. Supreme Court has made Title VII a federal mandate. Find out what this means to you and your employee handbook. Click here to learn more.

Will Your Company Still Be Relevant Tomorrow? -你最后一次审视自己的企业以及使其在当今市场中具有相关性的品质是什么时候? 如果你已经有一段时间(或从未有过)没有读下去,你会发现一些深刻的见解. Click here to learn more.

Podcast Episodes

Girls & Glass Ceilings: The Gender Gap -听Lesley Mast剖析社会的性别差距-特别是在劳动力方面. Click here to learn more.

How To Embrace Diversity In The Workplace -找出在工作场所拥抱多样性和包容性是如何加强公司文化和底线的. Click here to listen to the episode. 

My Generation's Better Than Yours – This generation is the best. Listen to this episode to find out why.

Mastering The Un-Managable Magic Of Millennials – Human resources professionals, among many others, 花很多时间分析人口的代际特征. Listen to this episode 为了找出为什么千禧一代与之前的那些人如此不同.

摆脱困境:打破企业中的亲和力偏见文化 你的舒适区在拖你的后腿,而你可能都没有意识到. 这期《比较靠谱的赌博软件》节目将探讨我们都有的亲和力偏见,以及如何克服它们. Click here to listen now.

Defining The Future Of Leadership – Jobs, and the skills people need to do these jobs, are changing. 创新领导力研究所的创始人莫林·梅特卡夫解释道. Click here to listen now.

我们一直在寻找额外的资源,以帮助促进少数族裔和妇女拥有的企业的发展. If you would like to help us add to this list, please click here to send us a message and include the resource you would like us to include on this page, the website URL, 以及有关资源服务对象以及如何发挥作用的附加信息.
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